Thursday, 24 February 2011

What to do when there is nothing To DO.....?

  1. Play "Rock, Paper, Scissors"
  2. Arm wrestle
  3. Thumb wrestle
  4. Push palms together to see who can push the hardest
  5. Stack hands one atop the other, pulling out the hand at the bottom and bringing it up top
  6. Stack fists, using same rules as above
  7. Stack arms, similarly
  8. Play with your child's hair
  9. Let your child play with your hair
  10. Draw a letter on your child's back with a finger and see if he or she can guess
  11. Draw a letter instead on your child's arm
  12. Have your child draw a letter on your arm or back, and you do the guessing.
  13. Write a poem. 
  14. Sing a song.
  15. Learn to do something new.
  16. Burn incense
  17. Plan a party.
  18. Take a nap
  19. Paint a picture
  20. Cry.
  21. Take a bath with your clothes on.
  22. Beat up your pillow.
  23. Meditate.
  24. Look at old photographs.
  25. Last but not at all a least that is visit this blog regularly

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